Rubber boots, our trusty companions in every storm and muddy adventure, frequently become soaked. Drying them is a challenge that we have all faced at some point. But the real question is, can we take the shortcut and put our rubber boots in the dryer, or is it a recipe for disaster? 

Last winter, when my old pair of rubber boots weren’t keeping my feet warm and dry, I stumbled upon putting my shoes in the dryer. Well, let me tell you, if done right, your boots will come out nice and clean and dry. Here, I’ll go over several methods for drying rubber boots without causing any damage and offer advice on preventing frequent blunders that could ruin your favorite shoes.

What are the 5 Ways How to Dry Boots in a Dryer?

Based on my experience, drying boots in a dryer can be tricky, especially if they are made of materials sensitive to heat, like rubber. Let me share five methods I’ve tried and a personal experience that taught me quite a bit about this process.

Use a Low Heat Setting:

I use the lowest heat setting to reduce the possibility of causing damage to the boots. For many materials, high heat can be too harsh.

Attach the Boots to the Dryer Door:

I learned a nifty trick to prevent the boots from tumbling around. I tie the bootlaces together, loop them around the dryer door, and then close the door, leaving the shoes hanging outside. This way, they get the warm air without the rough tumbling.

Use a Dryer Rack:

If your dryer has a rack, this is ideal. I place my boots on the rack so they’re subjected to warm air without the tumbling. This works well for sturdier boots.

Check the Care Label:

Before drying, I always check the care label. I won’t risk it if it explicitly says not to tumble dry.

Periodically Check the Boots:

I learned the hard way not to leave boots in the dryer unattended for too long. I set a timer and check them periodically to ensure they’re not overheating.

Potential Damage and Risks- The Impact of Dryers on Rubber Boots:

I’ve identified several key risks and damages associated with drying rubber boots in a conventional dryer:

Warping and Loss of Shape:

High heat can cause the rubber to expand and then contract unevenly, leading to a loss of the original shape and fit of the boots.

Separation of Components:

The adhesive used in some boots isn’t designed to withstand dryer heat, which can lead to the sole separating from the boot.

Reduced Waterproofing Effectiveness:

Changes in the rubber’s structure can compromise the boot’s waterproofing capabilities, reducing its effectiveness in keeping feet dry.

Potential Dryer Damage:

Apart from damaging the boots, this practice can also harm the dryer, as the shoes can bang around and cause wear and tear.

Alternative Methods to Dry Rubber Boots:

Over the years, I’ve learned a few tricks for drying them effectively without causing damage. Here’s a glimpse into my journey of discovering alternative drying methods.

Discovering Natural Air-Drying:

The first and most obvious method I turned to was natural air drying. Placing the boots in a well-ventilated area, preferably outdoors on a sunny day, worked wonders. It was simple, effective, and didn’t cost anything.

The Newspaper Technique:

A friend suggested stuffing the boots with old newspapers to absorb the moisture. I was initially skeptical, but surprisingly, it worked incredibly well. The paper drew out the moisture, significantly speeding up the drying process.

Using Boot Dryer:

I invested in a boot dryer after doing some research. This device gently blows air into the boots, ensuring they dry evenly and thoroughly without exposing them to excessive heat. It’s been a game-changer, especially during the rainy season.

Ceiling Fan Hack:

On one occasion, I hung my boots upside down from a ceiling fan using sturdy hooks. This method provided good air circulation and evenly distributed the air inside the shoes. It was a quirky but effective solution.

Through trial and error, I’ve learned that while drying rubber boots can be challenging, it’s possible to do so safely and efficiently. These alternative methods have saved many pairs of my rubber boots from premature damage.

The Lifespan of Rubber Boots: Does Using a Dryer Shorten It?

Using a dryer to dry rubber boots can indeed shorten their lifespan. A dryer’s intense heat and tumbling action can harm the rubber material. When exposed to high heat, rubber can warp, crack, or lose its elasticity, leading to a breakdown of the material. This was a lesson I learned the hard way. 

Consequently, it’s advisable to avoid using a dryer for rubber boots and instead opt for air drying, which is gentler and preserves the integrity of the material, thereby extending the boots' useful life. Still, you can put rubber boots in the dryer using a low heat setting.

Do’s and Dont’s When Putting Your Rubber Boots in the Dryer?

I’ve learned a thing or two about the do’s and don’ts of drying them. Let me share my insights, including a memorable experience that taught me a valuable lesson.


  • Before you even consider putting your rubber boots in the dryer, it’s crucial to check the manufacturer’s guidelines. Some shoes are designed to withstand the heat and tumbling, while others are not.
  • If your dryer has a low heat or air-only setting, use it. Excessive heat can warp or damage the rubber.
  • Remove as much water as possible before putting the boots in the dryer. You can do this by shaking them or wiping them with a towel.
  • If your dryer has a rack, use it. This prevents the boots from tumbling around.


  • If your boots show signs of wear or damage, avoid using the dryer, as it can exacerbate these issues.
  • Putting too many items in the dryer with the boots can cause uneven drying and potentially damage the shoes.
  • Rubber boots can dry faster than expected. Check them periodically to prevent overheating.


I’ve learned that you must be very careful when cleaning and drying rubber boots. Putting rubber boots in the dryer might sound convenient, but ultimately, it could lead to irreversible damage. Holding on to the tricks and techniques I learned through my experiments helps avoid such problems. Understanding these processes allowed me to find cleaner, safer alternatives that kept my rubber boots pristine.

Billy Visuals
Hello, I'm Billy Visuals, the brain behind My online presence is dedicated to disseminating valuable insights about shoes and boots that can guide your footwear choices. I've had a lifelong fascination with shoes, which has led to a collection of over 500 pairs in my closet! My partner often jokes about my obsession, but she's always thrilled when I surprise her with a new pair of heels! I launched SelectiveShoe in 2023, with the aim of offering comprehensive knowledge that will assist you in making informed purchasing decisions. I've gathered a team of footwear enthusiasts who, like me, are passionate about providing impartial reviews and detailed buying guides. Our assessments are based on real-world experiences, ensuring that our advice is grounded in reality. You're always welcome to reach out and share your thoughts. If you have any queries about shoes, don't hesitate to drop me a comment. I'm here to help!