At 40, I know the struggle of keeping up with trends while still looking age-appropriate. Recently, this task has been more complicated, with combat boots becoming one of the most popular footwear options.

From streetwear to office wear, there is no denying that many women over 40 are turning their heads to this edgy trend. A few weeks ago, my mother was apprehensive about rocking out in this cool style because she didn’t know how or what would suit her. However, after some personal experiences and research, I finally learned how she can wear combat boots the right way.

So, I’m here to provide insight into simple ways you can rock combat boots fashionably without worrying whether or not it’s appropriate, regardless of your age!

Style Tips - Rocking Combat Boots With Confidence:

When it comes to wearing combat boots over 40, there are plenty of stylish and age-appropriate ways to rock this trend. Here are some tips gathered for you:

Pair With Jeans:

Combat boots look great when paired with jeans. My mother wears straight-leg or skinny jeans, as they naturally complement the edginess of the boots. This combination creates a chic and casual look that works well for any age group.

Add Jackets And Coats:

To elevate your combat boot outfit, she considers adding jackets or coats. This combination adds a layer of sophistication and helps balance the ruggedness of the boots. Experiment with different styles, such as moto jackets or trench coats, to create a stylish ensemble.

Pairing Combat Boots With Leggings:

She opts for full-length leggings that reach your ankles or slightly above. This creates a streamlined look and ensures the focus remains on the boots. She also considers different materials for leggings, such as leather or faux leather, to complement the ruggedness of the combat boots. Since combat boots typically have a chunky and masculine appearance, balancing proportions is crucial.

Incorporating Combat Boots Into Dresses Or Skirts:

Experiment with different textures to create contrast and visual interest. For example, pair a flowy floral dress with rugged combat boots. This combination creates an exciting juxtaposition of soft and hard elements.

Consider different silhouettes for your dresses or skirts. A-line skirts or fit-and-flare dresses work well with combat boots, creating a balanced and flattering look. Avoid overly tight or body-hugging styles, as they may clash with the more relaxed aesthetic of the boots.

Choosing Colors And Patterns That Reflect Your Style:

If you prefer a more classic and versatile look like my mother, opt for neutral colors such as black, brown, or gray. These colors can easily be paired with various outfits, allowing the boots to stand out.

Incorporating prints and patterns can add visual interest to your combat boot outfits. Animal prints, floral patterns, or plaid designs can elevate your look and reflect your style. Just ensure that the patterns you choose complement the rest of your outfit.

Mix Formal And Casual:

Mixing formal and casual elements is one of the coolest looks for a more mature individual. She chooses sleek combat boots and pairs them with more tailored pieces like blazers or structured dresses. This juxtaposition creates an exciting and fashionable look suitable for various occasions.

Update The Style:

If you rocked combat boots in your younger days, don’t be afraid to wear them again. However, updating the style to stay in sync with the times and your age is essential. Consider opting for modern designs or incorporating trendy elements to keep your look fresh and contemporary.

Remember, fashion has no age restrictions, and wearing combat boots over 40 can be a bold and confident choice. Embrace your style while considering these tips to create outfits that suit your taste and reflect your individuality.

Care And Maintenance - Keeping Your Boots In Top Shape:

When it comes to keeping your boots in top shape, following a consistent care routine can significantly extend their lifespan and keep them looking their best. Let me share some valuable tips for caring for your boots.

  • Regular cleaning is essential to remove dirt, dust, and grime that can accumulate on your boots. I gently brush off any loose dirt with a soft bristle brush. Then, use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe away any remaining dirt or stains.
  • Conditioning your boots helps to moisturize the leather and prevent it from drying out, cracking, or becoming stiff. Following the manufacturer’s instructions, I apply a leather conditioner or oil specifically designed for footwear.
  • Protecting your boots from the elements is crucial to maintain their quality and appearance. Applying a waterproofing spray or wax creates a barrier against moisture, stains, and spills. This step is vital for leather boots, as water can damage the material and cause it to lose its shape or develop mold.
  • Proper storage is critical to keeping your boots in optimal condition when not worn. Store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. To help maintain their shape, I use boot trees or stuff them with acid-free tissue paper.
  • Make it a habit to regularly inspect your boots for any signs of damage, such as loose stitching or worn-out soles. Addressing these issues promptly can prevent further damage and extend the lifespan of your boots.

Following these care and maintenance tips, I have kept my boots in shape, even after years of regular wear. 

Confidence And Individuality - Embrace Your Unique Style:

Wearing combat boots over 40 is about confidence and embracing your unique style. My mother, who’s crossed the 40-year mark, has found that these boots can add a bold and contemporary edge to any outfit, proving that style remains strong with age.

It’s also essential to prioritize comfort alongside style, especially for those over 40. Choosing combat boots with a comfortable fit and good support has significantly impacted how she carries herself and enjoys her day.

Wearing combat boots over 40 is about following a trend and making a statement of confidence and individuality. It’s about mixing boldness with sophistication, comfort with style, and, most importantly, staying true to your fashion sense.


After exploring all of these tips on how to wear combat boots over 40, it’s time to get creative and make a statement with your outfit. Whether it’s wearing bright colors or pairing it with patterns, you can always find something new and exciting that fits your style. With some creativity, you can look great while standing out in the crowd! To make this fashion trend your own, have some fun and experiment; you never know what amazing combinations you might come up with!

Billy Visuals
Hello, I'm Billy Visuals, the brain behind My online presence is dedicated to disseminating valuable insights about shoes and boots that can guide your footwear choices. I've had a lifelong fascination with shoes, which has led to a collection of over 500 pairs in my closet! My partner often jokes about my obsession, but she's always thrilled when I surprise her with a new pair of heels! I launched SelectiveShoe in 2023, with the aim of offering comprehensive knowledge that will assist you in making informed purchasing decisions. I've gathered a team of footwear enthusiasts who, like me, are passionate about providing impartial reviews and detailed buying guides. Our assessments are based on real-world experiences, ensuring that our advice is grounded in reality. You're always welcome to reach out and share your thoughts. If you have any queries about shoes, don't hesitate to drop me a comment. I'm here to help!