You may have noticed this trend at your local gym or even among your friends and family sporting classic Converse sneakers. Converse shoes have a surprising fan base among fitness enthusiasts. Despite not being explicitly designed for exercise, you often see people working out in Converse shoes. 

Over time, I discovered remarkable benefits from sporting this iconic shoe style when engaging in physical activity, notably comfort and stylistic flair. I’ll discuss why individuals choose to work out in Converse sneakers, so keep reading if you’d love to know more about what advantages these kicks can bring.

Reasons Why People Choose Converse for Gym Training?

I’ve often opted for Converse sneakers for certain types of gym training. Here’s why they’ve been a part of my workout gear:

Flat Soles for Stability:

The flat bottoms of Converse shoes are great for lifting weights. Workouts like squats and deadlifts offer a secure basis for lifting high weights. Wearing my Converse helped me achieve my best in deadlifting, mainly because they provide stable footing.

Minimalist Design:

Converse’s minimalist design allows for more natural foot movement, beneficial in specific strength training exercises. This was particularly noticeable during bodyweight exercises where I needed to feel grounded.


Converse sneakers are incredibly durable. I’ve used them for months of regular training without significant wear and tear. This longevity is a big plus, especially considering the rigorous demands of gym workouts.

Versatile Style:

I also appreciate Converse’s classic, versatile style. They’re not just functional; they also fit well with my gym attire. I’ve received compliments on how cool they look, even in a gym setting.

Good Grip on Flat Surfaces:

On level gym floors, the rubber outsole offers good traction. This has been especially helpful when lifting weights because it’s essential to have a firm grasp on the ground.

Affordability And Accessibility:

Compared to specialized training shoes, Converse is generally more affordable and easily accessible. When I first started gym training, they were an excellent budget-friendly option.

Drawbacks Of Working Out On Converse Sneakers:

While Converse sneakers are versatile and stylish, I’ve discovered several drawbacks when using them for workouts. Here’s what I’ve experienced:

Limited Arch Support:

Converse sneakers are flat and lack arch support. During one particularly intense workout session, I felt strain in my arches, leading to discomfort. This made me realize they could be better for high-impact exercises.

Insufficient Cushioning:

I’ve found that Converse’s lack of cushioning can be hard on the feet, particularly when engaging in sports that require a lot of leaping or running. I was exhausted, and my feet hurt from jumping rope in my Converse.

Not Designed For Varied Movements:

Converse sneakers have flat soles, which are great for stability in specific exercises like weightlifting. I tried agility drills and lateral movements, but they needed flexibility and support.

Risk Of Overuse Injuries:

Due to the lack of support and cushioning, there’s a heightened risk of overuse injuries. I experienced a mild case of plantar fasciitis after consistently using Converse for high-impact workouts.

Limited Breathability:

I found that Converse sneakers provide little breathability during intense workouts. This led to discomfort and overheating my feet, particularly during long summer training sessions.

Inadequate Grip For Certain Surfaces:

While they offer good traction on flat surfaces, Converse shoes can be slippery on other gym surfaces, especially on gym mats or slick floors. This became apparent to me during a circuit training class.

Best Converse Shoes For The Gym:

Converse shoes are iconic for their classic and stylish design, but there may be better choices for gym workouts, especially if you need specialized support and cushioning. Here are some Converse models to consider:

Converse Chuck Taylor All-Star:

The Chuck Taylor All-Star is the most iconic Converse shoe. While it’s not explicitly designed for the gym, it can be suitable for activities like weightlifting or casual gym workouts due to its flat sole and minimal cushioning. It offers a stable base for exercises like squats and deadlifts.

Converse Chuck 70:

This is an upgraded version of the classic Chuck Taylor with modern enhancements. It has a slightly thicker sole than the original Chuck Taylor, which provides more comfort and support for gym activities.

Converse Jack Purcell:

The Jack Purcell model is another Converse classic. It has a similar design to the Chuck Taylor but with some differences in style and construction. Like the Chuck Taylor, it can be used for low-intensity gym workouts.

Converse Chuck Taylor All-Star Lift:

You can consider the Chuck Taylor All-Star Lift for an additional height option with a platform or wedge sole. It keeps the flat sole appropriate for weightlifting while providing a fashionable take on the iconic Chuck Taylor.

Converse CONS Collection:

Converse’s CONS collection includes sneakers designed for skateboarding and lifestyle, and some of these models offer more cushioning and support than the traditional Chuck Taylor. While not ideal for intense gym workouts, they can provide better comfort for moderate gym activities.

The Final Verdict: Is Exercising In Converse Worth The Hype?

The final verdict on exercising in Converse sneakers largely depends on the type of exercise you’re engaging in. For weightlifting, especially exercises like squats and deadlifts, Converse is often hailed for its flat soles, providing stability and a solid base. This makes them beneficial for foot position awareness stability and even challenging the body’s stabilizing muscles. 

However, for more dynamic or high-impact workouts, like running, CrossFit, or functional training, Converse needs more cushioning and support. Therefore, while they hold their ground in specific strength training contexts, they’re not a one-size-fits-all solution for all workouts.


Working out in Converse has many benefits and can offer advantages over other athletic shoes for exercise. Understanding each type of shoe’s pros and cons is essential to deciding which option would provide you with the best overall benefit during physical activity. I hope to shed some light on why people prefer Converse shoes as a workout option and share my experiences on how I managed to tackle the same problem. If you are looking for the perfect workout shoes, make sure to give Converse a try!

Billy Visuals
Hello, I'm Billy Visuals, the brain behind My online presence is dedicated to disseminating valuable insights about shoes and boots that can guide your footwear choices. I've had a lifelong fascination with shoes, which has led to a collection of over 500 pairs in my closet! My partner often jokes about my obsession, but she's always thrilled when I surprise her with a new pair of heels! I launched SelectiveShoe in 2023, with the aim of offering comprehensive knowledge that will assist you in making informed purchasing decisions. I've gathered a team of footwear enthusiasts who, like me, are passionate about providing impartial reviews and detailed buying guides. Our assessments are based on real-world experiences, ensuring that our advice is grounded in reality. You're always welcome to reach out and share your thoughts. If you have any queries about shoes, don't hesitate to drop me a comment. I'm here to help!