Golf is a sport that requires style and comfort from the clothes you wear to the equipment you carry. And, for many golfers, one of the most essential parts of any round is having a comfortable pair of shoes.

This isn’t just your standard tennis shoe; golf shoes are designed with padded insoles and spikes on the bottom for extra grip during long rounds or quick steps across slippery fairways. But if it’s your first time buying golf shoes, wearing them out of the box can be an uncomfortable experience due to having to break in your new kicks before they’re ready for play.

Here, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about breaking in your new golf shoes properly so they fit ideally as soon as possible!

Step 1. Choose The Right Size:

The first and most crucial step to breaking in your golf shoes is to choose the right size. Ill-fitting shoes can cause severe discomfort and affect your performance on the course. Make sure to try on different sizes and widths to find the perfect fit for your feet. When trying on shoes, wear the socks you usually wear on the course to ensure an accurate fit.

Step 2. Wear Them At Home:

Once you have chosen the right size, start wearing your Golf Shoes at home for short periods. This will help your feet get used to the shape and feel of the shoe without putting too much stress on them. If you experience discomfort, take off the shoes and give your feet a break.

Step 3. Walk Around In Them:

As you continue wearing your golf shoes at home, walk around in them for extended periods. This will help loosen up the materials and mold them to your feet. Wear them while doing light exercises, such as stretching or walking on a treadmill.

Step 4. PlayA Round of Golf:

After a few days of wearing your golf shoes at home, it’s time to take them out for a round on the course. Start with short rounds and gradually increase the duration as your feet get accustomed to the shoes. This will also help you identify areas needing extra attention during the break-in process.

Step 5. Keep Them Clean And Dry:

Proper maintenance of your golf shoes is crucial for a comfortable and practical break-in. Clean them after each round and let them dry completely before wearing them again. This will prevent bacteria build-up and keep the materials in good condition for longer.

Step 6. Stay Patient:

Breaking into golf shoes properly takes time and patience. Take your time with the process and try to wear them for long periods too quickly. Your feet need time to adjust, so be patient and allow your shoes to mold to your feet naturally.

How Long Does It Take To Break In Golf Shoes?

The time it takes to break in golf shoes can vary considerably depending on the shoe’s material and how long you wear them. 

As a general guideline, leather golf shoes typically take longer to break in than their synthetic counterparts, often requiring several rounds of golf or prolonged wear over a few weeks. 

On the other hand, synthetic shoes usually have a quicker break-in period, sometimes becoming comfortable after just a single round. 

Taking your time during this process is crucial to avoid discomfort or injury.

Do’s And Don’ts When Breaking In Your Golf Shoes:

Breaking in golf shoes properly is crucial for comfort and optimal performance on the course. Here are some do’s and don’ts to ensure you break in your golf shoes effectively:


  • Wear your golf shoes around the house or while doing light activities to get your feet accustomed to them before taking them to the course.
  • While wearing them, flex your feet, bend the soles, and wiggle your toes to help loosen up stiff areas.
  • If you play regularly, rotate between your new and old shoes. This gives the new pair time to break in without causing discomfort.
  • If your golf shoes are made of leather, a conditioner can help soften them, making the break-in process quicker and more comfortable.
  • If they get wet during the break-in period, dry them properly. Stuff them with newspaper to absorb moisture and maintain their shape.
  • If certain areas feel particularly tight, use a shoe stretch spray to target and relax those spots.


  • Only wear brand-new golf shoes for an extended round or a whole day without breaking them in first.
  • If they get wet or you’re trying to stretch them, don’t expose golf shoes to direct heat sources like hairdryers or heaters. It can damage the shoe material and structure.
  • Some suggest soaking shoes to break them in, but it’s not advisable for golf shoes. This can compromise the shoe’s structure, grip, and overall durability.
  • Keep them up tight enough when breaking them in. This can cause unnecessary strain on the shoe and your feet.
  • If you start to develop blisters, don’t push through the pain. This can lead to more significant foot issues. Instead, try to identify the shoe’s problem area and address it.
  • When breaking them in, stick to flat surfaces. Avoid too rough or hilly terrains, which might stress the shoe excessively.

Troubleshooting Common Issues - Solutions for Tight Golf Shoes:

Wearing Thick Socks:

One of the classic methods to stretch tight shoes is wearing thick socks and golf shoes around the house. The thickness of the socks will gradually expand the shoes.

Shoe Stretchers:

Invest in shoe stretchers designed for athletic footwear. Insert them into your golf shoes and let them sit overnight. They will gently expand the shoes to a more comfortable fit.

Heat Expansion: 

Using a hairdryer, blow warm air over the tight areas of the golf shoes while flexing and stretching those parts with your hands. The heat makes the material more malleable. Remember to wear the shoes immediately after to allow them to mold to your feet as they cool down.

Conditioning Sprays:

Shoe-stretch sprays can be applied to the tight areas of the golf shoes. These sprays soften the material, making it easier to stretch.

Professional Stretching:

If you need clarification on stretching the shoes, many cobblers offer shoe trying as a service.

Correct Storage:

Avoid leaving golf shoes in hot cars or direct sunlight, as heat can cause them to shrink or distort.

Myth vs Reality - Debunking Misconceptions About Breaking in Golf Shoes:

Myth 1:

New golf shoes should be immediately comfortable straight out of the box.


While modern golf shoes are designed for greater comfort, most shoes, including golf shoes, have a break-in period. The materials can take some time to mold to the shape of your foot and become flexible.

Myth 2:

Soaking golf shoes in water will expedite the break-in process.


Soaking can damage your shoes, especially if they have leather components. Excessive moisture can compromise the shoe’s structure, grip, and overall durability.

Myth 3:

Wearing the shoes for long durations right away will break them in faster.


Wearing new shoes for extended periods without breaking them in gradually can cause blisters and discomfort. It’s better to initially wear them for short durations, gradually increasing the wear time.

Myth 4:

All golf shoes need an extensive break-in period.


The break-in time varies based on the shoe material and design. Modern designs with flexible materials require minimal to no break-in time.

Myth 5:

Like a hairdryer, direct heat can help stretch and break in the shoes faster.


While heat can make materials more pliable, direct heat can damage the shoe materials. It’s always better to break in shoes naturally or use specially designed products or methods.


Learning to break in your golf shoes properly is vital to improving your overall golfing experience. With just a few materials and time, you can craft a pair of comfortable shoes that suit your needs perfectly. Furthermore, the benefits last longer when taking steps to break them gradually and naturally rather than relying on quick fixes and artificial methods such as baking and boiling. Remember, if done correctly with patience, breaking in a pair of golf shoes may be essential for becoming severe about golf. So take action today and ensure you break your shoes in for maximum comfort!

Billy Visuals
Hello, I'm Billy Visuals, the brain behind My online presence is dedicated to disseminating valuable insights about shoes and boots that can guide your footwear choices. I've had a lifelong fascination with shoes, which has led to a collection of over 500 pairs in my closet! My partner often jokes about my obsession, but she's always thrilled when I surprise her with a new pair of heels! I launched SelectiveShoe in 2023, with the aim of offering comprehensive knowledge that will assist you in making informed purchasing decisions. I've gathered a team of footwear enthusiasts who, like me, are passionate about providing impartial reviews and detailed buying guides. Our assessments are based on real-world experiences, ensuring that our advice is grounded in reality. You're always welcome to reach out and share your thoughts. If you have any queries about shoes, don't hesitate to drop me a comment. I'm here to help!