Breaking into new shoes can be daunting, especially regarding wrestling gear. Wrestling shoes are unlike any other type of shoe because they’re designed with specialized features and materials that provide elite-level performance and protection for wrestlers during competition or practice.

Thankfully, breaking into these shoes doesn’t have to be intimidating; with the proper technique and knowledge about preparing your Wrestling Shoes for excellence, you can mold your footwear to fit perfectly and perform as needed when on the mat. Here, you’ll learn how the pros handle breaking into their wrestling shoes!

Materials Needed:

  • Your wrestling shoes
  • Thick socks (similar to what you’d wear during matches)
  • A clean, flat surface

Step 1- Wear Thick Socks:

Start by wearing thick socks similar to those worn during a wrestling match. These socks will simulate the thickness of your feet while you wrestle and help the shoes conform to the right fit.

Step 2 - Lace Up Your Shoes:

With the thick socks on, lace up your wrestling shoes snugly but not too tightly. Ensure the laces are evenly distributed, and the shoes comfortably snug around your feet.

Step 3 - Walk Around:

Walk around your home for 15-30 minutes in your wrestling shoes. Focus on movements like walking, jogging, and pivoting to simulate the range of motions you’ll use during a match. This will help the shoes adapt to your feet and prevent uncomfortable pressure points.

Step 4 - Flex The Soles:

Flex the soles of your wrestling shoes by bending your feet and toes as you walk. This will help break in the shoe’s sole and improve its flexibility, which is crucial for wrestling movements.

Step 5 - Check For Comfort:

Pay attention to how the shoes feel on your feet. If you notice any areas of discomfort or pressure, adjust the laces or make minor modifications to the fit. You want the shoes to feel snug but not painful.

Step 6 - Practice Wrestling Movements:

If you have the space, practice some basic wrestling movements like stance, motion, and takedowns. This will help you get used to the feel of the shoes while performing wrestling-specific actions.

Step 7 - Remove The Shoes:

Take off the shoes and socks after the initial 15-30 minutes. Check your feet for any redness or discomfort. If you notice any issues, address them promptly. You may need to adjust the lacing or apply cushioning in specific areas.

Step 8 - Repeat As Needed:

Repeat the process of wearing the wrestling shoes with thick socks for short periods over several days. Gradually increase the duration of wear until the shoes feel comfortable and well-fitted.

Step 9 - Keep Them Clean:

While breaking in your wrestling shoes, keep them clean and dry. Clean off dirt or sweat, and let them air out between sessions to prevent odor and material damage.

Step 10 - Monitor Fit:

Regularly check the fit of your wrestling shoes as they break in. Ensure they remain snug but not overly tight. Make adjustments if necessary to maintain a comfortable fit.

By following these steps and gradually breaking into your wrestling shoes, you can achieve a comfortable fit that maximizes your longevity and enhances your performance on the mat.

Pro Tips - Using Heat To Speed Up The Break-In Process:

Warm Water Method:

  • Fill a basin with warm (not hot) water.
  • Wearing socks, put on your wrestling shoes.
  • Step into the basin, allowing the shoes to get wet.
  • Walk around until the shoes dry. As the water dries, the shoe material will mold to the shape of your feet.

Hair Dryer:

  • Wear your wrestling shoes with socks on.
  • Direct the warm air from a hair dryer on the tight areas for 20-30 seconds, flexing and moving your feet during the process.
  • Once done, keep the shoes on until they cool down.


  • Boil some water and hold the shoe above the steam (not too close to avoid water soaking).
  • The heat and moisture will soften the shoe material. Wear the shoes until they cool.


  • Avoid overheating, as it can damage the shoe material or cause it to become too loose.
  • Continuously monitor the shoes during any heating process to prevent any potential damage.
  • Once you’ve broken in your wrestling shoes, avoid using these heat methods, as repeated exposure can wear down the shoe materials faster.

Maintaining Flexibility - Keeping Your Wrestling Shoes Comfy Post-Break-In:

Ensuring the ongoing comfort of your wrestling shoes post-break-in is vital for your foot health and performance. Here are some key strategies to maintain the flexibility and comfort of your wrestling shoes:

  • Regularly wearing your wrestling shoes keeps the materials flexible and form-fitting. The natural movements of your feet help maintain the shape and suppleness of the shoes.
  • After use, clean off any dirt or grime that may harden the shoe’s material. Sweat can also cause materials to stiffen over time, so wiping the insides with a damp cloth and allowing them to air dry is beneficial.
  • If your shoes get wet, never use direct heat to dry them. Instead, let them air dry in a well-ventilated space. Remove insoles to speed up the drying process and maintain their shape.
  • Store your wrestling shoes in a cool, dry place. Avoid leaving them in damp or scorching environments. Using shoe trees or stuffing them with newspaper can help maintain their shape.
  • Have more than one pair of wrestling shoes and rotate their use. This gives each pair a rest and extends the life of both.

Avoiding Common Mistakes: What Not To Do When Breaking In Wrestling Shoes?

Avoid Water Immersion:

While the warm water method can be used, avoid immersing your shoes entirely in water frequently. It can weaken the glue and stitching.

Avoid Direct Heat: 

Never place your shoes near heaters, radiators, or an oven to expedite the breaking-in process.

Don’t Overstretch: 

Forcibly stretching your shoes too much can cause damage or deformity.

Expert Advice: Insights From Professional Wrestlers on Shoe Break-In

  • Most professional wrestlers emphasize the importance of patience during the break-in process to ensure optimal fit and longevity.
  • Many pros prefer breaking in their shoes naturally, through regular wear and practice, rather than using heat or other quick methods.
  • If something feels wrong or hurts, don’t force the process. Pain or severe discomfort can indicate that the shoes aren’t the right fit.

Longevity of Your Footwear: How Proper Break-In Affects The Life of Your Wrestling Shoes?

Comfortable Fit:

  • Gradual break-in allows the shoes to adapt to the shape of your feet.
  • Reduces discomfort, hot spots, and blisters.

Improved Performance:

  • Properly broken-in shoes offer better traction and grip on the mat.
  • Enhances maneuverability, agility, and overall performance.


  • Reduces the risk of premature wear and tear on the shoes.
  • Prevents stretching, tearing, or other damage caused by rapid adaptation.

Support And Stability:

  • Maintains the shoes' intended structure and support.
  • It helps prevent injuries by keeping the feet and ankles well-supported.

Break-In Tips:

  • Wear them gradually during practice sessions and training.
  • Avoid using them in official competitions right away.
  • Address any discomfort or pressure points promptly.
  • Use the shoes exclusively for wrestling to prevent unnecessary stress.
  • Keep them clean and dry to prevent premature material deterioration.

Proper break-in ensures your wrestling shoes last longer and perform at their best, providing the comfort, support, and durability you need for your matches.


Breaking into wrestling shoes is a relatively straightforward process that requires just a few specific items. Remember that the shoes will fit and feel tight before they are broken in, so it’s essential to take your time and not rush the break-in process. You can easily break into those new wrestling shoes with these helpful steps. Now, get out there and hit the mat. After all, practice makes perfect! And remember to check back soon for the latest news and updates on your favorite products at our store!

Billy Visuals
Hello, I'm Billy Visuals, the brain behind My online presence is dedicated to disseminating valuable insights about shoes and boots that can guide your footwear choices. I've had a lifelong fascination with shoes, which has led to a collection of over 500 pairs in my closet! My partner often jokes about my obsession, but she's always thrilled when I surprise her with a new pair of heels! I launched SelectiveShoe in 2023, with the aim of offering comprehensive knowledge that will assist you in making informed purchasing decisions. I've gathered a team of footwear enthusiasts who, like me, are passionate about providing impartial reviews and detailed buying guides. Our assessments are based on real-world experiences, ensuring that our advice is grounded in reality. You're always welcome to reach out and share your thoughts. If you have any queries about shoes, don't hesitate to drop me a comment. I'm here to help!