Shoe horns are incredibly useful for easily sliding shoes onto your feet. Not only do they help break in new leather, but they can also make donning an old pair quite effortless. Additionally, shoe horn helps extend our footwear’s lifetime by minimizing wear-and-tear on the heel lining and fabric.

If you’re struggling with putting on your shoes, it’s time to try shoe horns! Today, we will discuss how to use the shoe horn and its various benefits so that you can take advantage of this essential tool!

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Use a Shoe Horn:

This simple tool can help you slip into your footwear without the hassle and discomfort of a tight fit, giving you a more leisurely morning routine every time. Here’s how to use one:

Step 1: Prepare the Shoe Horn:

Begin by taking a few moments to prepare your shoe horn. Start by ensuring it is clean and free from dirt or debris. Then, check both sides of the shoehorn. The curved side should be smooth and rounded to help you slip into your shoes without any issues.

Step 2: Place the Shoe Horn in Your Shoes:

Now, it’s time to place the shoe horn inside your shoe. To do this, you’ll want to hold onto the handle and gently slide the curved part of the tool into your heel area. It should fit snugly against the back of your foot while allowing some room for movement.

Step 3: Gently Slide Your Foot Into the Shoe:

Once the shoehorn is in position, it’s time to slide your foot into the shoe. You’ll want to do this slowly and gently, ensuring that the curved side of the tool remains in contact with your heel as you slip into place. This will help the shoe to expand and make room for your foot as you go.

Step 4: Remove the Shoe Horn:

When you have successfully inserted your foot into the shoe, it’s time to remove the shoe horn. Simply grab the handle and gently slide it out from underneath your heel. This will leave you with a comfortable fit without any tightness or discomfort. And there you have it, the perfect way to use a shoe horn and quickly get your shoes on!

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using a Shoe Horn:

Shoe horns are an excellent tool for quickly getting into your favorite pair of shoes. But to get the most out of your shoe horn, it’s essential to understand how to use them correctly. This guide will outline some common mistakes to avoid when using a shoe horn and explain how to use it to ensure it lasts many years properly.

Choosing the Wrong Size Shoe Horn:

The size of your shoehorn should be proportional to your foot size and the type of shoes you’re putting on. Too small of a shoe horn can damage the inside of your shoes, while too large may not even fit in. So, you must pick a shoe horn size that fits your foot and your shoes.

Ignoring the Material of the Shoe Horn:

The material of your shoehorn also plays a vital role in ensuring you use it correctly and avoid any damage to your feet and shoes. Many different materials are used for shoe horns, including wood, metal, and plastic. Each material has pros and cons, such as flexibility or strength, so choosing the suitable material is essential.

Forcefully Jamming the Shoe Horn:

When using a shoe horn, it is crucial to be gentle when inserting it into your shoes. Forcing the shoehorn into your shoes can cause discomfort and may even damage the material of your shoes. To avoid this, being gentle when inserting the shoehorn into your boots is essential.

Neglecting the Maintenance of Your Shoe Horn:

Like any other tool, your shoe horns require regular maintenance to ensure they stay in good condition. To keep your shoehorn in good shape, regularly clean and inspect it for any signs of wear or tear. This will help ensure that your shoehorn lasts as long as possible.

Following these simple tips, you can avoid common mistakes when using a shoe horn and ensure your shoes remain comfortable and in the best condition possible.

Understanding the Role of a Shoe Horn in Footwear Maintenance:

A shoe horn is a small tool to help you put on your shoes. It’s usually made of plastic or metal and typically has an ergonomic handle that makes it easier to hold onto when slipping on shoes. The shoe horn’s primary function is to ensure that your feet don’t get stuck in the back of your shoes, which can be incredibly uncomfortable.

Furthermore, using a shoe horn can make it much easier to put on your shoes, especially if you have limited mobility. For those with arthritis or other conditions that make bending over difficult, a shoe horn can help them slip into their shoes without contorting their bodies in uncomfortable positions.

In short, a shoe horn can be an invaluable tool for anyone who wears shoes regularly. It’s easy to use, helps keep your boots in good condition for longer, and makes it easier to put them on. Plus, shoe horns are inexpensive and easily fit into any purse or pocket. So, if you’re looking for a functional and convenient tool, consider investing in a shoe horn today.


Using a shoe horn can be an invaluable tool when dressing and can become essential to one’s daily getting-dressed routine. Using a shoe horn, you can help avoid back pain and ensure that your shoes always remain fresh and crease-free. Go ahead and experience the difference that using a shoe horn can make in the convenience and comfort you get out of your daily footwear experience!

Billy Visuals
Hello, I'm Billy Visuals, the brain behind My online presence is dedicated to disseminating valuable insights about shoes and boots that can guide your footwear choices. I've had a lifelong fascination with shoes, which has led to a collection of over 500 pairs in my closet! My partner often jokes about my obsession, but she's always thrilled when I surprise her with a new pair of heels! I launched SelectiveShoe in 2023, with the aim of offering comprehensive knowledge that will assist you in making informed purchasing decisions. I've gathered a team of footwear enthusiasts who, like me, are passionate about providing impartial reviews and detailed buying guides. Our assessments are based on real-world experiences, ensuring that our advice is grounded in reality. You're always welcome to reach out and share your thoughts. If you have any queries about shoes, don't hesitate to drop me a comment. I'm here to help!