In cheerleading, Nfinity cheer shoes are highly regarded for their comfort, durability, and performance-enhancing design. However, as with athletic shoes, they’re subjected to considerable wear and tear, and frequent cleaning is required to maintain their appearance and longevity.

As a former Nfinity cheerleader, I made mistakes cleaning them, like scrubbing too hard and using the wrong product type, damaging their appearance. This got me thinking. Putting in effort and hard work, I finally restored my Nfinity cheer shoes to their original pristine condition. 

My shoes survived the ordeal, and I learned valuable insights about shoe maintenance, which I wish to share with fellow cheerleaders. Now, I will share what went wrong for me and provide helpful tips on how to clean your Nfinity cheer shoes correctly so they stay brightened up season after season.

Getting Ready- Preparing Your Nfinity Cheer Shoes for Cleaning:

As a cheer enthusiast, I understand the importance of keeping Nfinity cheer shoes in top condition. Here’s how I prepare them for cleaning:

Gather Your Cleaning Supplies:

I always assemble my cleaning tools: a soft brush or toothbrush, mild detergent, a clean cloth, and a small water bowl. Once, I used a harsh cleaner that left unsightly marks on my shoes, so now I stick to mild detergents.

Remove Laces and Insoles:

From experience, removing the laces and insoles is crucial for a thorough cleaning. It allows you to reach areas that are otherwise hard to clean. I recall forgetting to remove the insoles, and the smell of the hidden dirt was noticeable.

Check for Manufacturer’s Instructions:

Before proceeding, I always check if there are any specific cleaning instructions from Nfinity. This can save a lot of headaches. I remember assuming a cleaning method was safe, only to find out the manufacturer didn’t recommend it.

By following these steps, I ensure my shoes are ready for a thorough and safe cleaning, helping to maintain their appearance and longevity.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Clean Nfinity Cheer Shoes?

Cleaning Nfinity cheer shoes carefully and correctly is essential to maintain performance and appearance. Here’s how I do it:

Prepare Your Cleaning Area:

First, I lay down some old towels or a clean surface to work on. This helps to ensure everything runs smoothly, especially when dealing with wet shoes.

Brush Off Loose Dirt:

Before involving any water, I gently brush off loose dirt from the shoes. This step makes the wet cleaning more effective. I learned this after attempting to clean heavily soiled shoes without dry brushing first, resulting in a mud-like mess.

Mix a Mild Cleaning Solution:

I create a cleaning solution using mild detergent and warm water. In the past, I’ve used too strong detergents, which affected the color of my shoes, so I stick to gentle soaps now.

Clean with a Soft Brush or Cloth:

Using a soft brush or cloth, I gently scrub the shoes. I focus on filthy areas, applying more pressure as needed but carefully not damaging the material.

Spot Clean Stains:

I apply a small cleaning solution directly and gently scrub for tougher stains. Once, I had a grass stain that seemed impossible to remove, but spot-cleaning with a bit more detergent did the trick.

Wipe Down with a Damp Cloth:

After scrubbing, I use a clean, damp cloth to wipe down the shoes, removing any soap residue. It’s essential to ensure all soap is removed to avoid leaving marks.

Air Dry Naturally:

I never expose the shoes to direct heat or sunlight for drying. Instead, I let them air-dry indoors. A mistake I made in the past was drying them in direct sunlight, which caused the material to become stiff and lose its comfort.

Reinsert Laces and Insoles:

Once the shoes dry, I put the insoles and laces back in. I remember when I put the insoles in too early, and they developed a mildewy smell because they weren’t entirely dry.

Cleaning Nfinity cheer shoes involves careful handling and attention to detail. Following these steps ensures that the boots are cleaned effectively without causing any damage. 

The Power of Bleach: How to Use Diluted Bleach for Cleaning Athlete’s Shoes?

While bleach is effective, it should be used cautiously. Here’s my approach:

Prepare a Diluted Bleach Solution:

I mix a small amount of bleach with a large amount of water. The first time I used bleach, I made it too strong, which caused some discoloration.

Use a Soft Brush:

I apply the solution with a soft brush, carefully avoiding any colored parts of the shoes, as bleach can alter the color.

Spot Treat as Needed:

I apply the bleach solution directly for tough stains, but only briefly. Overexposure to bleach can weaken the shoe’s material.

Rinse Thoroughly:

After using the bleach solution, rinsing the shoes thoroughly is crucial. Any leftover bleach can continue to affect the shoe material.

Air Dry Away from Direct Sunlight:

As with the soap method, I ensure the shoes are air-dried in a well-ventilated area away from direct heat.

The Dos and Don’ts- Best Practices for Cleaning Nfinity Cheer Shoes:

Cleaning Nfinity cheer shoes can extend their life and keep them looking great. Here are some dos and don’ts I’ve learned:


  • I always use a mild detergent or soap, as harsh chemicals can damage the shoe material. I once used a more robust cleaner, which faded the shoes.
  • Using a soft brush or cloth, I gently scrub the shoes. Vigorous scrubbing can wear down the material, as I discovered when I was too enthusiastic with a new brush.
  • A regular cleaning schedule keeps dirt and grime from building up. I discovered this after ignoring my shoes for some time, which led to more difficult-to-remove stains.
  • Always air dry the shoes away from direct heat or sunlight.


  • I never fully submerge the shoes in water, as this can damage the structure. This was a lesson I learned the hard way when a pair of shoes lost their shape after soaking.
  • Bleach and other harsh chemicals can be too abrasive for the delicate materials of Nfinity shoes. Don’t use bleach without diluting it.
  • Direct heat can warp and damage the shoes. I remember when a friend dried her boots near a heater, and they became misshapen.

Post-Cleaning Care- Drying Your Nfinity Cheer Shoes Properly:

Drying your cheer shoes correctly is crucial to maintaining their shape and functionality. Here’s how I do it:

  • After cleaning, I gently pat the shoes with a towel to remove excess water. Doing this reduces drying time and helps maintain the shape of the boots.
  • I let the shoes air dry in a well-ventilated environment. Steer clear of heat sources and direct sunshine, as these can harm the boots. I once left a pair in the sun, and they were considerably faded.
  • I occasionally turn the shoes to ensure they dry evenly. This is especially important for thicker or multi-layered parts of the shoe.
  • Direct heat can cause the materials to warp or shrink. I avoid using any artificial heat sources for drying.

Proper cleaning and drying of Nfinity cheer shoes is essential for their longevity. Remember, gentle care and regular maintenance are crucial to preserving the quality and appearance of your cheer shoes.


Cleaning Nfinity cheer shoes can be done quickly and effectively. Through my experience, I have learned that by carefully following the wash and care instructions on the product tag, you can keep your Nfinity Cheer shoes looking practically brand new for many seasons. By applying these tips, you will also save yourself from costly replacement costs for frequently worn-out shoes. Cleaning your cheer shoes can be simple without hassle or sweat if done correctly. So show off your moves knowing that your shoes are well looked after!

Billy Visuals
Hello, I'm Billy Visuals, the brain behind My online presence is dedicated to disseminating valuable insights about shoes and boots that can guide your footwear choices. I've had a lifelong fascination with shoes, which has led to a collection of over 500 pairs in my closet! My partner often jokes about my obsession, but she's always thrilled when I surprise her with a new pair of heels! I launched SelectiveShoe in 2023, with the aim of offering comprehensive knowledge that will assist you in making informed purchasing decisions. I've gathered a team of footwear enthusiasts who, like me, are passionate about providing impartial reviews and detailed buying guides. Our assessments are based on real-world experiences, ensuring that our advice is grounded in reality. You're always welcome to reach out and share your thoughts. If you have any queries about shoes, don't hesitate to drop me a comment. I'm here to help!