Whether you’re a fashionista who loves buying stylish footwear or an athlete looking for comfortable performance gear, knowledge of PF will be invaluable so that you can understand different types of shoes and make the best buying decision for your needs. Let’s learn everything there is to know about this mysterious acronym!

Posture Foundation" is the full term behind the “PF” in “PF Flyers.” Introduced in the 1930s, Posture Foundation was a patented insole technology designed to ensure proper weight distribution and alignment in the foot. The technology was initially developed by BF Goodrich, a tire company that once produced footwear. This particular insole was touted to provide added comfort and support, potentially aiding in better posture for the wearer.

The idea behind the Posture Foundation was to create a comfortable shoe that promoted better foot health and body alignment. The success of this technology in athletic shoes led to PF Flyers becoming a popular and trusted name in footwear. The brand’s legacy is rooted in this unique insole design that sought to combine athletic performance with everyday comfort.

The Role of PF In Shoe Design: How It Shapes Comfort And Functionality?

When diving into the intricacies of shoe design and the importance of comfort and functionality, the impact of Posture Foundation (PF) becomes readily apparent. PF is not just an ancillary feature; it’s a core principle that directly influences the anatomy and design language of the shoe. Here’s how:

Foot Alignment And Arch Support:

At the heart of the PF, design is promoting natural foot alignment. By catering to the foot’s arch and ensuring it is well-supported, PF insoles minimize the stress on feet, particularly in the arch area. This enhances comfort and reduces the risk of foot-related issues such as plantar fasciitis.

Weight Distribution:

A crucial aspect of PF is ensuring the wearer’s weight is evenly distributed across the foot. This principle affects the shoe’s sole design, the contour of the insole, and the placement of cushioning. Proper weight distribution ensures reduced foot fatigue and increased stability.

Material Choices:

While PF focuses on the shape and structure of the insole, it also indirectly influences material choices. Materials that can adapt to the foot’s shape while retaining the benefits of the PF design, such as memory foam or certain breathable fabrics, become preferable.

Versatility In Design:

PF doesn’t restrict itself to a specific shoe type. Whether it’s athletic shoes, formal wear, or casual sneakers, the principles of PF can be incorporated. This versatility ensures that the foot inside enjoys the same level of comfort and support, irrespective of the shoe’s outward appearance.

Longevity And Durability:

Shoes designed with PF principles inherently cater to long-term wear. Focusing on proper weight distribution and support minimizes wear and tear on specific shoe parts. The result is a shoe that feels good to wear and lasts longer.


As our understanding of foot health and ergonomics has evolved, so has the PF design. Modern iterations might incorporate additional features like heel cups for better ankle alignment or more advanced materials for cushioning, all while retaining the core PF principles.

Holistic Approach To Design:

With PF as a foundational element, shoe designers approach the design process holistically. Rather than viewing comfort, support, and style as separate elements, they are seen as interlinked, each influencing the other.

While the Posture Foundation insole originated with BF Goodrich, its most notable offspring was undoubtedly the “PF Flyers” brand. PF Flyers became synonymous with comfort and style and were one of the top-selling shoes in America during the 1960s.

PF Flyers:

Recognized by their distinct logo and design, PF Flyers have experienced periods of immense popularity, particularly in the mid-20th century. Their appearance in movies like “The Sandlot” cemented their pop culture status.

BF Goodrich Shoes:

While not as iconic as PF Flyers, BF Goodrich’s line of shoes incorporated the PF technology, offering consumers a range of styles with the signature Posture Foundation comfort.

Over time, the specific Posture Foundation technology became less distinct as other shoe technologies and comfort features emerged. However, the legacy of the PF insole remains, influencing subsequent generations of shoe design and setting a standard for comfort and functionality in footwear.

User Experiences: How PF Impacts Wearers' Comfort And Performance?

Elevated Comfort:

Many users who have worn shoes with Posture Foundation (PF) insoles report a noticeable difference in comfort, especially during prolonged periods of standing or walking. The enhanced arch support provided by the PF design helps reduce foot fatigue.

Improved Posture:

As the name suggests, the Posture Foundation was designed with posture in mind. Users have often commented on a more upright stance and reduced strain on the lower back, attributing it to the improved foot alignment the shoes offer.

Enhanced Athletic Performance:

Athletes, especially from the mid-20th century, noted a difference in their balance and stability when wearing shoes with PF insoles. This translated to better performance in sports that required agility and endurance.


Wearers have often remarked on the longevity of their PF shoes, attributing it to the robust construction and quality materials, a testament to the shoe’s design principles.

Shopping Guide - Tips on Choosing Shoes with PF Features:

  • Understand the primary purpose of the shoe you’re looking for. While PF shoes generally offer broad benefits, some models might be tailored to specific needs.
  • Due to the popularity of PF features, some brands might claim to have similar benefits. Always check for authentic branding, especially if you’re looking for genuine PF Flyers or other reputable brands.
  • Even with the added benefits of PF, the right fit is crucial. Ensure there’s enough toe room and the shoe’s arch aligns with your foot’s natural arch.
  • Especially if you’re into athletics, you’d want a comfortable and breathable shoe. Look for models with breathable materials or ventilation features.
  • Before making a purchase, checking user reviews is always a good idea. These can give you insights into the shoe’s comfort, durability, and potential issues.
  • Remember, the longevity of a shoe doesn’t just depend on its build but also on how you maintain it. When investing in shoes with PF features, consider products or tips on keeping them.

The Impact of PF on Athletic Performance - Insights from Professional Athletes:

Let’s delve into the insights provided by professional athletes regarding the impact of PF on their performance:

  • Athletes, particularly those in sports requiring agility such as basketball, tennis, or soccer, have remarked on their improved stability and balance with PF-equipped shoes. The even weight distribution helps in making quick turns, jumps, and sprints, allowing for more precision in movements.
  • Endurance athletes, such as long-distance runners or cyclists, noted a noticeable difference in foot fatigue. The PF insole’s design ensures that the foot’s arch is adequately supported, reducing strain during prolonged activity.
  • Proper foot alignment can play a significant role in preventing injuries. Athletes have observed that shoes with PF insoles reduce the risk of common foot-related injuries, like plantar fasciitis, by ensuring the foot remains in its natural position during activities.
  • Post-game or post-training recovery is vital for athletes. With the support and alignment offered by PF insoles, some athletes have reported quicker recovery times and reduced soreness in the feet and lower limbs.
  • Knowing that their footwear offers optimal support and stability, athletes have expressed a mental boost in confidence. This psychological edge can often be the difference in crucial moments during competitions.
  • After experiencing the benefits of PF in their sports shoes, it’s not uncommon for athletes to opt for the same technology in their everyday or casual footwear. This is a testament to the comfort and support PF provides.


From now on, you should easily remember what ‘PF’ stands for when looking for shoe sizes. To ensure you get the best fit for shoes, it’s always important to know your foot measurements and develop an understanding of how the different sizing systems convert. An essential aspect of a properly fitting shoe is ensuring a quarter-inch or half-inch of space around the edges. So, next time you’re out shopping, take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the sizing system and measure your feet to buy the most comfortable pair of shoes!

Billy Visuals
Hello, I'm Billy Visuals, the brain behind selectiveshoe.com. My online presence is dedicated to disseminating valuable insights about shoes and boots that can guide your footwear choices. I've had a lifelong fascination with shoes, which has led to a collection of over 500 pairs in my closet! My partner often jokes about my obsession, but she's always thrilled when I surprise her with a new pair of heels! I launched SelectiveShoe in 2023, with the aim of offering comprehensive knowledge that will assist you in making informed purchasing decisions. I've gathered a team of footwear enthusiasts who, like me, are passionate about providing impartial reviews and detailed buying guides. Our assessments are based on real-world experiences, ensuring that our advice is grounded in reality. You're always welcome to reach out and share your thoughts. If you have any queries about shoes, don't hesitate to drop me a comment. I'm here to help!