I’ll never forget the day my dog, Juno, made a run for it while I was walking him in the park and rolling around in some fresh dog poop! When we got home, I finally managed to corral him back inside. 

Driven by necessity, I began experimenting with different cleaning methods. I tried everything from scraping the excess to using water, dish soap, and an old toothbrush. Each attempt brought me closer to finding the most effective and least messy method.

Through these experiences, I learned not only how to clean dog poop off shoes effectively but also the importance of being vigilant while walking, especially in areas frequented by dogs.

I am excited to share these practical tips to save you the hassle and discomfort I initially faced. Stay with me as I delve into my personal experiences and provide guidance on tackling this unpleasant situation. Let’s get started!

Tools And Materials: What You Need To Clean Dog Poop Off Shoes?

In my journey as a pet owner, I’ve learned that having the right tools and materials to clean dog poop off shoes is crucial. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A scraping tool (an old spatula or a flat piece of cardboard will do)
  • An old toothbrush
  • Warm water
  • Dish soap
  • A pair of disposable gloves 

Step-by-Step Guide: How To Clean Dog Poop Off Shoes?

Cleaning dog poop off shoes is a messy but often necessary task. I remember the first time I had to do it, I was at a loss. However, through some trial and error, I’ve developed a reliable step-by-step method. Read on so that you can implement it, too.

Step 1: Remove Excess Poop

In my initial attempts, I made the mistake of directly washing the shoe. This only resulted in smearing the mess further. I learned that the first step should be removing as much poop as possible. Use a flat scraping tool for this. An old spatula or a stick can work.

Step 2: Prepare A Soapy Solution

Next, I prepare a soapy solution using warm water and dish soap. Warm water and a good degreasing dish soap worked best to break down the mess.

Step 3: Scrub The Shoe

I use an old toothbrush to scrub the shoe with the soapy solution. The bristles get into the shoe’s crevices where poop could be hiding. I initially tried using a cloth, but it could have been more effective.

Step 4: Rinse And Repeat

Then, I rinse the shoe under a tap, inspect it, and, if necessary, repeat the scrubbing process. It took me some scrubbing and rinsing to clean the shoe thoroughly.

Step 5: Dry The Shoe:

Finally, it’s time for me to leave the shoe to dry in a well-ventilated area. Placing it in direct sunlight can also help eliminate any lingering odors.

From my experience, patience and persistence are essential when cleaning dog poop off shoes. It might take some time, but with the proper steps, your shoe will be as good as new. 

Deep Cleaning Methods - Getting Rid of The Remaining Mess:

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, the regular cleaning process isn’t enough to completely get rid of dog poop from shoes. This is where a more profound cleaning method is always needed. Here’s what I found compelling and can work for you as well:

Step 1: Soak The Shoes

I filled a bucket with warm water, added a generous squirt of dish soap, and let the shoe soak for about an hour. The warm, soapy water helped loosen the stubborn bits.

Step 2: Use A Toothpick Or Tweezers

After soaking, I used a toothpick to remove the remaining mess from the crevices. For more stubborn bits, a pair of tweezers worked well. This was a meticulous process, but it was necessary for a thorough cleaning.

Step 3: Rinse and Dry

Once satisfied, I rinsed the shoe under warm water again and left it to dry in a well-ventilated area.

I learned from this experience that sometimes you must take extra steps to ensure cleanliness. It might seem like a lot of work, but believe me, it’s worth it. I hope this method will help you tackle even the most stubborn dog poop messes on your shoes.

Deodorizing Your Shoes: Eliminating The Lingering Smell

Even after thoroughly cleaning, your shoes might still have a lingering smell. I’ve been there, and trust me, it’s not pleasant. However, over time, I’ve discovered a few practical methods to deodorize my shoes.

Use Baking Soda:

Baking soda is an excellent odor absorber. I sprinkled a generous amount inside my shoes and left them overnight. The following day, I shook out the baking soda, and to my surprise, most of the odor was gone.

Try A Shoe Deodorizer Spray:

Despite the effectiveness of baking soda, sometimes more was needed. So, I decided to experiment with a shoe deodorizer spray. I found one with natural ingredients, sprayed it inside my shoes, and let them air dry. It worked like a charm, leaving my shoes smelling fresh.

Use Dryer Sheets:

In some cases, I also placed dryer sheets in my shoes overnight. They not only absorbed the odor but also left a pleasant scent.

Prevention Tips: How To Avoid Stepping In Dog Poop Again?

After my fair share of unpleasant encounters with dog poop, I’ve learned some prevention tactics that have helped me avoid repeating the same mistake and could be beneficial for you as well, so let’s have a look :

Tip 1: Pay Attention To Your Surroundings

This may seem obvious, but it’s easy to forget when distracted. I remember once being so engrossed in a phone call that I didn’t notice what was right in front of me a fresh pile of dog poop. Now, I make it a point to stay aware of my surroundings, especially in parks or neighborhoods where dogs are common.

Tip 2: Use A Flashlight At Night

One dark evening, I stepped in dog poop, and it was too late by the time I realized it. So, I started carrying a small flashlight during my evening walks. It helps spot any potential hazards on the path.

Tip 3: Advocate For Responsible Pet Ownership

I’ve had conversations regarding pet cleanup with my neighbors. Although it’s not always comfortable, it’s a necessary component of being a responsible pet owner and community member.

From these experiences, I’ve learned that prevention is better than cure. These steps might not eliminate the risk of stepping in dog poop, but they can significantly reduce it. I’m glad to share these tips with you and hope they’ll help you avoid such unpleasant incidents.


Cleaning dog poop off shoes is an unfortunate but common occurrence for many pet owners, myself included. I learned that patience, combined with the right tools and methods, can turn this unpleasant chore into a manageable one. I also discovered the importance of being more observant during walks to avoid stepping in dog poop in the first place. These practical tips and experiences will help you tackle the situation in a way better way. After all, as dog owners, we’re in this together! Let’s dive into this messy situation head-on and keep our shoes spotless!

Billy Visuals
Hello, I'm Billy Visuals, the brain behind selectiveshoe.com. My online presence is dedicated to disseminating valuable insights about shoes and boots that can guide your footwear choices. I've had a lifelong fascination with shoes, which has led to a collection of over 500 pairs in my closet! My partner often jokes about my obsession, but she's always thrilled when I surprise her with a new pair of heels! I launched SelectiveShoe in 2023, with the aim of offering comprehensive knowledge that will assist you in making informed purchasing decisions. I've gathered a team of footwear enthusiasts who, like me, are passionate about providing impartial reviews and detailed buying guides. Our assessments are based on real-world experiences, ensuring that our advice is grounded in reality. You're always welcome to reach out and share your thoughts. If you have any queries about shoes, don't hesitate to drop me a comment. I'm here to help!