Whether you’re a seasoned Hey Dude shoe wearer or a newbie to this comfortable footwear trend, learning how to clean the insoles properly is critical. It happened to me recently; a pair of my favorite sandals started stinking up my room after I wore them only a couple of times outdoors. Through my experience, I’ve perfected the art of cleaning Hey Dude insoles. 

Now, I want to share my knowledge with fellow Hey Dude lovers, guiding you through the process step-by-step, ensuring your insoles are as fresh and clean as the day you bought them. Let’s dive right in!

Preparation - Getting Your Hey Dude Insoles Ready for Washing:

Before washing Hey Dude’s insoles, having the right cleaning supplies on hand is essential. Using the appropriate tools and cleaners makes the process more effective and less likely to damage the insoles. Here’s what I gather:

  • Mild Soap or Detergent
  • Soft Brush or Cloth
  • Bucket or Bowl of Warm Water
  • Towel for Drying

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Wash Hey Dude Insoles:

Remove Insoles from Shoes:

First, I take the insoles out of the shoes. This is important for thorough cleaning. Once, I tried cleaning them while still inside the shoes, and it wasn’t practical.

Brush Off Loose Dirt:

Before using any water, I brush off any loose dirt or debris. I learned this the hard way after wetting caked-on dirt, which became mud and more challenging to clean.

Prepare Your Cleaning Solution:

I mix a small amount of mild soap with warm water. The key here is to use enough soap to clean but not so much that it leaves a residue.

Gently Scrub the Insoles:

Using a soft brush or cloth, I gently scrub the insoles. I pay extra attention to areas with more dirt or odor. It’s important not to be too aggressive to avoid damaging the material.

Rinse with Clean Water:

After scrubbing, I rinse the insoles under clean water. I remove all soap, as leftover soap can cause skin irritation.

Pat Dry with a Towel:

I gently press the insoles with a towel to remove excess water. One time, I wrung them out, which distorted their shape.

Air Dry Completely:

I lay the insoles flat in a well-ventilated area to dry. I avoid direct sunlight or heat sources, as these can cause the insoles to shrink or warp. Once, I left them near a heater, and they became misshapen.

Washing Hey Dude insoles properly is essential for maintaining their comfort and longevity. Through my experiences, I’ve found that gentle cleaning and thorough drying are critical. 

When to Wash - Identifying the Right Time to Clean Your Hey Dude Insoles:

Knowing when to wash Hey Dude insoles is critical to maintaining comfort and durability. Here’s how I determine the right time for cleaning:

Regular Wear Check:

I make it a habit to check my insoles regularly. This means looking at them every week, especially if I wear the shoes often. I learned this importance after neglecting my insoles for too long and finding them heavily stained and with a foul odor.

After Intensive Use:

I check the insoles afterward to see if I’ve worn my Hey Dude shoes for an extended period, especially in hot weather or during activities that cause sweating. Excessive moisture can lead to odor and bacteria growth.

Odor Detection:

A clear sign that odor is a time to wash the insoles is when I ignored a slight smell, which quickly worsened. Since then, I have taken any signs of odor as a prompt to clean.

Visible Dirt and Stains:

If I notice visible dirt or stains, I wash the insoles immediately. Delaying can make the stains more challenging to remove. Once, I let a stain sit for too long, becoming almost permanent.

After Getting Wet:

If my Hey Dude shoes get wet due to rain or accidental spills, I remove the insoles and assess if they need cleaning. This is important because moisture can lead to mildew.

Seasonal Cleaning:

Even if the insoles don’t seem dirty or smelly, I wash them each season. This routine maintenance ensures they remain fresh and clean.

Sensitivity or Allergy Flare-Ups:

If I or someone who frequently wears the shoes experiences foot sensitivity or allergies, it’s an excellent time to clean the insoles. This helps remove allergens and bacteria that might irritate.

From my experience, timely cleaning keeps the insoles fresh and extends their life, ensuring they continue to provide comfort and support. 

Spot Cleaning - Removing Stubborn Stains from Hey Dude Insoles:

Although removing tough stains from Hey Dude insoles can be difficult, it is doable with the correct method. This is how I treat stubborn stains:Determine the Stain:

Identify the Stain:

First, I determine what caused the stain. Different stains (mud, food, or oil) require different approaches. I recall treating a grease stain as mud, which only worsened it.

Gather Supplies:

I use a small bowl of warm water, a soft brush or cloth, a towel for drying, and a mild detergent for spot cleaning. I once used a solid cleanser for a stain, which caused the insole to get discolored.

Prepare the Cleaning Solution:

I mix a small amount of mild soap with warm water. The key is to use enough soap to tackle the stain but not so much that it leaves a residue.

Apply the Solution Directly on the Stain:

Using a brush or cloth, I apply the cleaning solution directly to the stain. Gentle dabbing or circular motions work best. There was an instance where I scrubbed too hard, and it damaged the surface of the insole.

Let the Solution Sit (If Necessary):

I let the cleaning solution sit for particularly stubborn stains for a few minutes. This helps to break down the stain. However, I avoid leaving it too long, as prolonged exposure can damage the material.

Gentle Scrubbing:

Then, I gently scrub the stain. Patience is key here. Rushing or being too aggressive can cause more harm than good.

Rinse with Clean Water:

I carefully rinse the stained area with clean water to remove any soap residue. I didn’t rinse thoroughly in the past, and the leftover soap caused skin irritation.

Repeat if Necessary:

For very stubborn stains, a second treatment might be necessary. I’ve repeatedly repeated the process, especially with tough stains like red wine.

Spot cleaning Hey Dude insoles requires a gentle yet effective approach. Through my experiences, I’ve learned that understanding the type of stain and treating it accordingly is crucial. Remember, patience and proper technique are essential to successfully removing stubborn stains.

Regular Maintenance - Keeping Your Hey Dude Insoles Fresh:

Maintaining the freshness of Hey Dude insoles is critical to ensuring they remain comfortable and odor-free. Here’s how I approach regular maintenance:

  • I regularly check the insoles for signs of wear, tear, or dirt. Catching issues early can prevent them from worsening. I remember overlooking a small tear once, quickly became a bigger problem.
  • Even if the insoles don’t look dirty, I give them a light cleaning every few weeks. This involves gently brushing off dirt and wiping it with a damp cloth. I learned the importance of this after noticing a build-up of grime that was harder to clean later.
  • To combat odors, I sprinkle baking soda on the insoles and let it sit overnight before brushing it off. This method has been a lifesaver, especially after wearing the shoes in hot weather.
  • If I know I’ll be wearing my Hey Dude shoes for an extended period, I sometimes apply footpowder or use a deodorizing spray on the insoles. This proactive approach has helped in keeping them fresh.
  • I wash the insoles with mild soap and water whenever they look or smell less than fresh. I’ve found that regular washing extends their life and keeps them comfortable.
  • When not in use, I store my Hey Dude shoes in a cool, dry place with the insoles removed. This helps to keep both the shoes and insoles fresh. I learned this after storing them in a damp location, which affected the insoles' freshness.

These practices ensure that my Hey Dude shoes remain a go-to for comfort and style, with insoles that feel and smell fresh.


With the Hey Dude Insoles, you now know how to keep them clean. As a shoe enthusiast, I have experienced first-hand the joy of having spotlessly clean shoes! Now that you know how to properly care for your shoes, why not take a few minutes each week to keep your Hey Dude Insoles looking their best? It pays off in the long run, which I can attest to myself. Share this with your friends and family so they, too, can benefit from my experience.

Billy Visuals
Hello, I'm Billy Visuals, the brain behind selectiveshoe.com. My online presence is dedicated to disseminating valuable insights about shoes and boots that can guide your footwear choices. I've had a lifelong fascination with shoes, which has led to a collection of over 500 pairs in my closet! My partner often jokes about my obsession, but she's always thrilled when I surprise her with a new pair of heels! I launched SelectiveShoe in 2023, with the aim of offering comprehensive knowledge that will assist you in making informed purchasing decisions. I've gathered a team of footwear enthusiasts who, like me, are passionate about providing impartial reviews and detailed buying guides. Our assessments are based on real-world experiences, ensuring that our advice is grounded in reality. You're always welcome to reach out and share your thoughts. If you have any queries about shoes, don't hesitate to drop me a comment. I'm here to help!