It never hurts to look your best, and my favorite go-to item is always my Bearpaw boots. But with all the wear and tear from wearing them in different climates and environments, I constantly cleaned them for maximum upkeep until I discovered the secret to cleaning Bearpaw boots! 

Not only did this knowledge make me feel confident in keeping up their classy appearance, but it also taught me a valuable lesson about preventative maintenance. I’ll talk about my experiences, and lessons learned dealing with tough stains, from dirt to oil spills. You can be sure that after reading this, you’ll have helpful knowledge you can use immediately and won’t have to waste any more time watching endless DIY instructions online!

Preparation For Cleaning: Gathering Your Supplies

I recall the day when I noticed my favorite Bearpaw boots were looking a bit worse for wear. This led me to research the correct way to clean Bearpaw boots, and I discovered that specific supplies were

  • A soft brush
  • Specialized suede cleaner
  • A clean, soft cloth
  • Suede brush

Step-by-Step Guide: Cleaning The Exterior Of Your Bearpaw Boots

Today, I’ll share how I discovered the most effective way to clean the exterior of Bearpaw boots so that you can also benefit from this.

Removing Loose Dirt:

I started by using a soft brush to remove any loose dirt or debris, brushing in the same direction the entire time to protect the suede.

Preparing A Cleaning Solution:

I mixed a specialized suede cleaner with water according to the instructions on the bottle. I chose Bearpaw’s own Sheepskin & Suede Cleaner, which I found to be very effective.

Applying The Solution:

I wet a clean cloth with the solution and gently rubbed it over the boots, cleaning the entire surface to avoid creating color patches.

Rinsing And Drying:

To avoid shrinking and discoloration, I used a fresh, wet towel to remove any remaining solution from the boots and let them air dry naturally away from heat sources and direct sunshine.

Brushing The Boots:

After the suede was completely dry, I gave the boots a little brushing to bring back their natural sheen.

Deep Cleaning: How To Clean The Interior Of Your Bearpaw Boots?

Cleaning the interior of your Bearpaw boots is just as important as caring for the exterior. I learned this the hard way when I ignored the interiors for too long, and they developed an unpleasant odor. Today, I will share my experience and how I found a solution.

Use Of Baking Soda:

My first attempts involved sprinkling baking soda inside the boots and letting them sit overnight. While this did help reduce the odor, it didn’t eliminate it. Plus, it was pretty messy to clean up.

Deodorizing Spray:

I then discovered a product specifically designed for cleaning the interior of sheepskin boots: a deodorizing spray. Here’s how I used it:

Remove Insoles:

If your boots have removable insoles, take them out. You can clean these separately using a cloth dampened with a mild detergent.

Spray The Interior:

I sprayed the deodorizer generously inside the boots, making sure to reach every corner.

Allow It To Dry:

I left the boots in a well-ventilated area to air dry. It’s important not to expose them to direct heat or sunlight, which can cause shrinkage or fading.

Brush The Interior:

Once the boots were dry, I used a soft brush to fluff up the sheepskin lining, restoring its comfort and coziness.

This information will help you understand the importance of comprehensive boot care. Remember, a clean boot is not just about the exterior; the interior matters, too!

Drying Your Boots: Best Practices To Avoid Damage

Drying your boots properly is a vital step in boot care that’s often overlooked. Today, I will share my experience and the best practices I’ve learned for drying boots without causing damage.

Remove Excess Water:

The first step is to blot as much water as possible from the boots using a towel. This helps speed up the drying process.

Stuff With Paper:

Stuffing the boots with newspaper or unprinted paper helps absorb moisture from the inside and maintains the shape of the boots as they dry.

Air Dry:

This is the most critical stage. Always let your boots air dry, ideally in a place with good ventilation and no direct sunshine or heat sources. The material may twist or shrink when exposed to direct heat.

Brush The Suede:

To bring back the nap of the suede, use a suede brush when the boots are dry. Through this experience, I learned how crucial it is to dry boots correctly to maintain quality and longevity. It might take longer than a heat source, but air drying is the safest method.

Post-Cleaning Care: Maintaining Your Bearpaw Boots

Maintaining your Bearpaw boots after cleaning is just as important as the cleaning process itself. Let me share my experience and the steps I’ve learned to keep your boots in top shape after cleaning so you can also keep that in mind.

Use A Protector Spray:

After cleaning and drying your boots, apply a protector spray. This helps repel water and prevents stains. Bearpaw’s own Water and stain Repellent works best on their boots.

Store Correctly:

Keep your boots out of direct sunlight and in an excellent, dry location. To keep their shape, don’t squash them. It can be helpful to pack them with paper or use boot shapers.

Regular Brushing:

Regularly brush your boots with a suede brush to keep the material looking its best. This also helps remove any minor surface dirt or dust.

Remember, taking care of your boots doesn’t stop at cleaning; regular maintenance ensures your boots stay in excellent condition for years.


I could effectively clean my Bearpaw boots by following the instructions provided in this post. Since then, I’ve made a point of adopting preventative steps and scheduling routine cleanings to ensure that my Bearpaws continue to look great for a long time. You are welcome to use the methods and strategies I mentioned above to maintain your Bearpaw boots.

Billy Visuals
Hello, I'm Billy Visuals, the brain behind My online presence is dedicated to disseminating valuable insights about shoes and boots that can guide your footwear choices. I've had a lifelong fascination with shoes, which has led to a collection of over 500 pairs in my closet! My partner often jokes about my obsession, but she's always thrilled when I surprise her with a new pair of heels! I launched SelectiveShoe in 2023, with the aim of offering comprehensive knowledge that will assist you in making informed purchasing decisions. I've gathered a team of footwear enthusiasts who, like me, are passionate about providing impartial reviews and detailed buying guides. Our assessments are based on real-world experiences, ensuring that our advice is grounded in reality. You're always welcome to reach out and share your thoughts. If you have any queries about shoes, don't hesitate to drop me a comment. I'm here to help!