Shoe polish is excellent for keeping your shoes shiny and new; however, removing them can be tricky to remove once you are done. Last week, I accidentally spilled dark shoe polish all over my favorite pair of white canvas sneakers. I frantically searched for a solution and tried many different methods, but nothing seemed to work. That’s when I stumbled upon the shaving cream hack, and let me tell you, it was a complete game-changer. 

With just a few simple steps, you’ll be able to achieve excellent results every time. So, if your shoes feel dull and old-fashioned, sit back and relax while we show you our easy-peasy way of giving them an instant upgrade!

What You’ll Need? Gathering Your Materials:

Before you begin the process of shoe polish removal with shaving cream, gathering all the necessary materials is essential. Here’s a list of what you’ll need:

  • Shaving Cream (non-gel)
  • Soft Cloth or Sponge
  • Old Toothbrush
  • Mild Soap or Leather Cleaner
  • Water
  • Towel

Step-by-Step Guide- Stripping Shoe Polish with Shaving Cream:

Stripping shoe polish with shaving cream is unconventional, but it can be effective. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Step 1: Brush Off Loose Dirt:

Before diving into the shaving cream magic, brushing off any loose dirt or debris from your shoes is essential. I vividly remember my shoes being covered in dust after a long day out, a sad sight for any shoe lover.

Step 2: Apply Shaving Cream:

With the shoes prepped, I generously sprayed shaving cream on the surface. I focused on one section at a time, ensuring an even coating. The cream works as a gentle abrasive, breaking down the layers of old polish.

Step 3: Scrub Gently with Toothbrush:

Armed with an old toothbrush, I gently scrubbed the shoes in circular motions. The idea was to let the shaving cream penetrate the polish without damaging the leather. Seeing the cream changing color as it lifted the old polish was oddly satisfying.

Step 4: Wipe Off Excess:

After giving the shaving cream a few minutes to work its magic, I wiped off the excess with a soft cloth. The transformation was already apparent; the shoes looked cleaner, and the color was more vibrant.

Step 5: Repeat if Necessary:

For stubborn spots, I repeated the process. Patience is critical here, as some areas require more TLC. My shoes had seen better days, but they regained their former glory with each application.

Step 6: Let Them Dry:

Once satisfied with the results, I let the shoe air dry. It was a moment of anticipation, hoping my experiment would pay off.

So, the next time your shoes need a pick-me-up, don’t hesitate to reach for that shaving cream; you might be surprised at the results!

Tips and Tricks for Effective Shoe Polish Removal with Shaving Cream:

Here are some tips and tricks I learned from my experience using shaving cream for shoe polish removal:

Preparation is Key:

First, ensure you have all the necessary supplies: a can of shaving cream, a soft cloth, and a stiff shoe brush. Working in a well-ventilated area is also a good idea since shaving cream can sometimes have a strong scent.

Don’t Skimp on the Shaving Cream:

When I first tried this method, slathering my shoes in shaving cream felt counterintuitive. But trust me on this: be generous with the shaving cream application. The more, the better.

Thoroughly Work the Shaving Cream In:

Using a soft cloth, work the shaving cream into the leather. Pay special attention to areas with thick layers of shoe polish. You want to make sure every inch of the shoe is covered.

Patience Pays Off:

This is a challenging fix. After applying the shaving cream, let it sit on your shoes for about 15 minutes. This allows the shaving cream time to break down the old shoe polish.

Wipe and Brush Away the Residue:

After the waiting period, I was pleasantly surprised to see a lot of the old polish come off when I wiped away the shaving cream with a cloth. I then used the shoe brush to remove any lingering residue.

Condition Your Shoes Post-Treatment:

The shaving cream can dry out the leather, so applying a leather conditioner after the treatment is essential. This will help keep your shoes soft and prevent them from cracking.

Always test any cleaning method on an inconspicuous area first to ensure it won’t damage your shoes.

The Aftercare: Maintaining Your Shoes Post-Polish Stripping

After successfully stripping the old, dull polish from my favorite leather shoes with shaving cream, I quickly learned that post-polish care is just as crucial in maintaining the quality and lifespan of the shoes.

Regular Cleaning:

I began a routine of regularly cleaning my shoes after each wear. I used a soft cloth to wipe off any dust or dirt that had accumulated gently. This simple step helped prevent grime build-up that could damage the leather over time.

Conditioning the Leather:

The shaving cream method, while effective, had somewhat dried out my shoes. To combat this, I started using a quality leather conditioner. It was a revelation. The conditioner restored the moisture to the leather, keeping it supple and preventing cracks.

Applying Polish Sparingly:

Initially, I hesitated to reapply shoe polish, fearing I would return to where I started. However, I found that using a high-quality polish sparingly and buffing it well brought out a beautiful shine and created a protective layer against the elements.

Proper Storage:

I once ruined a pair of shoes by storing them improperly. They were squashed under other items and lost their shape. From then on, I made sure to store my shoes correctly. I placed them on a shoe rack and used shoe trees to maintain their form. Also, keeping them out of direct sunlight helped prevent color fading.

Rotation of Shoes:

Wearing the same shoes daily can accelerate their wear and tear. After going through the effort of restoring my old pair, I decided to rotate my shoes regularly. This allowed them time to air out and recover from any moisture or pressure from the previous wear.


Shoe polish stains aren’t the worst type of mess to deal with. Luckily, simple ingredients like shaving cream and cleaning cloths can be removed from shoes quickly and easily. With these tips and tricks for stripping polish from shoes, you now have the knowledge to handle future stained shoe scenarios with ease. Finally, take time to inspect your footwear regularly so the problem doesn’t crop up again in the future! We can all learn how to keep our shoes looking their best with some elbow grease.

Billy Visuals
Hello, I'm Billy Visuals, the brain behind My online presence is dedicated to disseminating valuable insights about shoes and boots that can guide your footwear choices. I've had a lifelong fascination with shoes, which has led to a collection of over 500 pairs in my closet! My partner often jokes about my obsession, but she's always thrilled when I surprise her with a new pair of heels! I launched SelectiveShoe in 2023, with the aim of offering comprehensive knowledge that will assist you in making informed purchasing decisions. I've gathered a team of footwear enthusiasts who, like me, are passionate about providing impartial reviews and detailed buying guides. Our assessments are based on real-world experiences, ensuring that our advice is grounded in reality. You're always welcome to reach out and share your thoughts. If you have any queries about shoes, don't hesitate to drop me a comment. I'm here to help!