Drying shoes may seem simple, but it can become quite frustrating when you need them ready for the next day. Wet shoes not only cause discomfort and unpleasant odors but can also lead to foot problems if not properly dried.

Over time, I devised an effective way to dry shoes overnight, saving me money and the unpleasant feeling of slipping into damp footwear. Here, I will share a straightforward, easy-to-understand guide that will help you dry your shoes overnight.

These handy tips and tricks will speed up the drying process and ensure that your shoes remain in good shape. So, let’s start saving your shoes and your day from unnecessary dampness and discomfort.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Dry Shoes Overnight?

Here’s how I ensure my shoes are dry and ready to wear the next day:

Remove Excess Water:

The first step is to remove as much water as possible from the shoes. I usually do this by gently pressing on the shoes with a towel. I remember walking through a puddle once, and when I got home, I immediately pressed my shoes with towels to absorb the excess water.

Remove Insoles and Laces:

If the shoes have removable insoles and laces, take them out. This step helps them and the boots to dry faster. I always do this, especially after a rainy day, as it significantly speeds up the drying process.

Stuff with Newspaper or Paper Towels:

Stuffing the shoes with newspaper or paper towels is an effective way to absorb moisture. I replace the stuffing a few times until it comes out mostly dry. This method has been a lifesaver for me on numerous occasions.

Position the Shoes in a Well-Ventilated Area:

Place the shoes in an area with good air circulation but away from direct heat sources. I usually put mine near an open window or a fan. Once, I placed my shoes too close to a heater, which caused the material to warp, so I learned to avoid direct heat.

Use a Fan for Air Circulation:

A fan can significantly speed up the drying process. I point a fan directly at the wet shoes to circulate air around them. This method has worked wonders for me, especially when I needed my shoes to dry quickly overnight.

Rotate the Shoes Periodically:

Rotating the shoes helps them dry evenly. I typically turn them over or reposition them every few hours before bed to ensure all parts dry equally.

Re-stuff with Dry Newspaper or Towels:

If the shoes are still damp, I replace the wet newspaper or paper towels with dry ones. This helps absorb any remaining moisture.

Check Dryness in the Morning:

In the morning, I check the shoes for any dampness. If they’re still slightly wet, I leave them out for a bit longer or use a dry blow dryer in a cool setting to finish the drying process.

Do’s and Don’ts- Best Practices for Drying Shoes Overnight:

I’ve compiled a list of do’s and don’ts based on my experiences and thorough research. These best practices ensure that your shoes dry effectively without damaging them:


  • Start by removing as much water as possible. I gently press my wet shoes with a towel to absorb the moisture. This was particularly effective when I soaked my shoes during a rainy hike.
  • Taking out the insoles and laces speeds up the drying process. I do this routinely, especially if the shoes are thoroughly soaked.
  • Placing the shoes in front of a fan enhances air circulation and aids in drying. I’ve done this numerous times, significantly speeding up the process.
  • I always place my wet shoes in an area with good airflow, away from direct heat. A ventilated spot ensures even and safe drying.


  • Avoid using direct heat sources like radiators, hair dryers, or heaters. I learned this the hard way when I damaged a pair of sneakers by placing them too close to a heater.
  • Storing wet shoes in a closed space like a car or closet can lead to mold and foul odors. After a camping trip, I left my wet boots in the trunk, and they developed a musty smell.
  • Be aware of the material of your shoes. Leather, suede, and synthetic materials all have different care requirements. I once ruined a pair of suede shoes by not caring for them properly after they got wet.
  • Placing shoes upside down can distort their shape. I always remember them on their soles and stuff them to maintain their form.
  • Rushing the drying process can damage shoes. It’s better to give them ample time to dry naturally. I remember trying to speed up the process with a hairdryer, which caused the shoe material to warp.

By following these dos and don’ts, I’ve dried my shoes effectively overnight without causing any damage. 

DIY Techniques- Homemade Solutions for Drying Shoes Overnight:

Over time, I’ve developed several DIY techniques for drying shoes, combining personal experience and resourceful solutions. Here are some homemade methods that have worked for me:

Rice Filled Socks:

I once used this method when I didn’t have a newspaper. I filled my socks with rice and placed them inside my shoes. Rice is an excellent moisture absorber, and it worked surprisingly well.

Cat Litter in Socks:

Similar to the rice method, I’ve also used cat litter. I filled socks with cat litter and placed them inside the shoes. Cat litter absorbs moisture and odors, making it quite effective.

Baking Soda:

I sprinkle baking soda inside my shoes to tackle both dampness and odor. This not only helps in drying but also deodorizes the boots. It’s beneficial for gym shoes that get sweaty and wet.

Hanging Shoes in a Dry, Airy Place:

Simply hanging the shoes in a well-ventilated area can do wonders. I often hang them near an open window (but not in direct sunlight) to allow air to circulate inside and around them.

Using a Homemade Desiccant:

I’ve created a homemade desiccant by tying up silica gel packets (often found in new shoe boxes) in a breathable cloth and placing them inside the shoes. This method is more subtle but effective for mild dampness.

Warm, Dry Towel Wrap:

Wrapping the shoes in a warm, dry towel can help absorb moisture. This is a gentle method I’ve used when the shoes are not too wet but just slightly damp.

Dryer Sheets:

Placing dryer sheets inside the shoes overnight can help absorb some moisture and leave the shoes smelling fresh. This is more for odor control but can help with slight dampness.

These DIY techniques have been lifesavers in various situations, helping me dry my shoes effectively without damaging them. 


When it comes to figuring out how to dry shoes overnight, the experience can be daunting. However, with some work and experimentation, it is possible to determine the best steps for achieving a rapid drying time. What works for one individual may not work for another, so it is important to try various methods and materials before deciding on a frontrunner. By learning from my experiences, I hope you will be able to improve your shoe-related issues efficiently.

Billy Visuals
Hello, I'm Billy Visuals, the brain behind selectiveshoe.com. My online presence is dedicated to disseminating valuable insights about shoes and boots that can guide your footwear choices. I've had a lifelong fascination with shoes, which has led to a collection of over 500 pairs in my closet! My partner often jokes about my obsession, but she's always thrilled when I surprise her with a new pair of heels! I launched SelectiveShoe in 2023, with the aim of offering comprehensive knowledge that will assist you in making informed purchasing decisions. I've gathered a team of footwear enthusiasts who, like me, are passionate about providing impartial reviews and detailed buying guides. Our assessments are based on real-world experiences, ensuring that our advice is grounded in reality. You're always welcome to reach out and share your thoughts. If you have any queries about shoes, don't hesitate to drop me a comment. I'm here to help!