As an avid traveler, I know first-hand how difficult it can be to find the right way to pack shoes for trips. With every new journey comes the struggle of wondering if you’ve chosen the best method of storage and protection for your favorite footwear. 

I remember an incident during a business trip where I stuffed my leather shoes into my suitcase without any protection. Upon arrival, I found them scratched and deformed, which was a disaster as I had important meetings lined up.

This experience was a wake-up call and led me to experiment with different ways to pack shoes. I tried everything from using shoe bags and shower caps to stuffing socks inside the shoes. Through trial and error, I learned that not only can you protect your shoes while traveling, but you can also utilize the space in your suitcase more efficiently. And now, I’m ready to share these insights with you on how to pack shoes for travel effectively and efficiently. Let’s dive in!

Creative Shoe Packing Hacks for Saving Space:

Traveling is a passion of mine, and over the years, I’ve found myself in countless situations where I had to get creative with how I packed my shoes. Here are some innovative shoe-packing hacks that I’ve discovered and tested over time and want to discuss with you all:

Choose The Right Shoes:

The first step to efficient shoe packing for me is choosing the right shoes for your trip. The type of shoes I need will depend on the activities planned, weather conditions, and the duration of the trip. Sticking to versatile footwear that can be dressed up or down, such as a pair of comfortable walking shoes or sandals, is my top priority. 

Use Packing Cubes:

Packing cubes are a lifesaver when organizing and compressing your belongings. I swear by using packing cubes for shoes as they not only keep them separate from other items but also help keep them in shape. Pack each shoe in cubes or pair them together to save even more space. 

Utilize Empty Spaces:

Due to traveling now and then, I know how to use every inch of their luggage, including empty spaces inside their shoes. Small items such as socks, jewelry, or even a pair of rolled-up underwear can be stuffed inside the shoes to save space. 

Roll instead Of Fold:

When packing clothes, I know that rolling is more efficient than folding. The same applies to packing shoes. Instead of stacking my shoes on each other, I move them and place them side by side. This not only saves space but also prevents my shoes from getting squished and deformed during travel.

Use Shoe Trees Or Stuffing:

To keep my shoes in good shape during travel, I use shoe trees or stuff them with socks, tissue paper, or bubble wrap. This helps me maintain the shape of my shoes and prevent them from getting crushed in the luggage.

Wear Your Bulkiest Shoes During Travel:

One hack that’s saved me a significant amount of space was wearing my bulkiest shoes on travel days. This hack was a game-changer for me during a winter trip when I had to pack a pair of bulky snow boots.

Consider The Laundry Situation:

I always consider the laundry situation at my destination when packing shoes. If I’m going to be staying in a hotel with laundry services, I can pack fewer pairs of shoes and plan to do laundry during the trip. However, if I’m traveling to remote areas or camping, I usually pack an extra pair or two in case my shoes get wet or dirty and need to be replaced.

Don’t Forget The Plastic Bags:

Plastic bags are a must-have for me when it comes to packing shoes. They can separate dirty or wet shoes from clean ones, prevent them from getting other items in the luggage dirty, and even serve as emergency rain covers for your shoes.

Pack Shoes Last:

Lastly, I prefer packing shoes to make the most of the available space in my luggage. By placing them on top of other items, I can use the gaps and spaces between them to fit in smaller items such as socks or accessories. This will help save space and keep my shoes in good condition during travel.

What Are The Essential Tools for Packing Shoes?

I’ve discovered several essential tools that have made my task much easier and more efficient. I am going to share them so that you can use them and get benefits as well;

Shoe Bags:

One of the first items I invested in was a set of shoe bags. Not only do they keep my luggage clean by isolating dirty soles, but they also protect my shoes from getting scratched or damaged. I prefer the ones made from durable yet lightweight materials, like nylon or polyester. 

Shoe Inserts or Shoe Trees:

These are crucial for maintaining the shape of your shoes during travel. In the past, I’ve made the mistake of traveling without them and ended up with deformed shoes. Shoe inserts made from cedar wood are my favorite because they absorb moisture and combat odors, keeping my shoes fresh.

Bubble Wrap:

For extra protection, especially when packing delicate or expensive shoes, I use bubble wrap. It cushions my shoes against any impact during transit. I learned this tip from a fellow traveler after a pair of my heels arrived damaged on a trip.

Rubber Bands:

This might seem odd, but rubber bands are incredibly useful for securing loose straps or laces to prevent them from getting tangled or caught on other items in your suitcase.

Dryer Sheets:

I place these inside my shoes to keep them smelling fresh during travel. This is a tip I picked up from a family member, and it’s worked wonders.

Having these tools on hand has significantly improved my shoe packing process, making it quicker, more efficient, and, most importantly, ensuring my shoes arrive at my destination in perfect condition. 

The Do’s And Don’ts Of Packing Shoes for Travel:

As someone who loves to travel and has made many packing mistakes in the past, I have learned some do’s and don’ts that will ensure your shoe-packing process is smooth and efficient.


  • To keep my shoes organized and protect clothes from any dirt or grime on the soles, I use shoe bags or plastic bags for each pair of shoes.
  • I use the space inside my shoes by cramming in tiny things like jewelry, underwear, or socks.


  • It may be tempting to pack those new pairs of shoes but trust me, this is a big mistake. Shoee not broken in can cause blisters and foot pain, making your trip uncomfortable.  I always stick to shoes I have worn before and know are comfortable for long periods.
  • I make an effort to pack light in my luggage. Instead, I just own two or three pairs that are multipurpose and go well with a variety of looks.
  • Shoes can be heavy, so I distribute them evenly among my bags and stay within the weight limit.


A crucial skill that will make your vacation more convenient and hassle-free is knowing how to pack shoes for travel.  As someone who has traveled extensively and faced various challenges when filling shoes, I can attest that these tips have been tried and tested in real-life situations. Following the tips and guidelines I’ve shared can ensure that your shoes are well-protected and organized in your luggage.

Billy Visuals
Hello, I'm Billy Visuals, the brain behind My online presence is dedicated to disseminating valuable insights about shoes and boots that can guide your footwear choices. I've had a lifelong fascination with shoes, which has led to a collection of over 500 pairs in my closet! My partner often jokes about my obsession, but she's always thrilled when I surprise her with a new pair of heels! I launched SelectiveShoe in 2023, with the aim of offering comprehensive knowledge that will assist you in making informed purchasing decisions. I've gathered a team of footwear enthusiasts who, like me, are passionate about providing impartial reviews and detailed buying guides. Our assessments are based on real-world experiences, ensuring that our advice is grounded in reality. You're always welcome to reach out and share your thoughts. If you have any queries about shoes, don't hesitate to drop me a comment. I'm here to help!